Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ho ho ho

Hope you all had a faboo Christmas!

Friday, December 7, 2007

New Love

What is this object of my affection you ask... well DIGIRAMA is the kiwi answer to iTunes (which FYI was my new love for ONE WHOLE WEEK until it starting erroring out on me... errrrrr!).

It has given we so much new tune loves for my playlist! AND it brought this to my attention...
Sister Hazel have done a christmas album! Ahhhhh! Crazy stuff... LOVE LOVE me some Sister Hazel...

Monday, December 3, 2007

2 minutes...

Lunchtime post, two minutes only: MAKING IT QUICK!

1. Got the new kit from Scrapbook Essentials... WOWSER!
2. New jack is up at Kiwi Jack Me Up.
3. Tanya the Christchurch consultant for Scrapbook Essentials is running 12 Days Of Christmas on her blog.
4. I have extended the deadline on the Music In Me - Rockstar challenge AND added a prize ;) Go play cause its the last one for the year.

So thats me - back to work then back to the table tonight - thinking MAJOR christmas decor stuffs right now - have beaded and unbeaded and rebeaded!!!! Sigh....

P.S: THE BOOK REVEIW: Ali's book is BEAUTIFUL! It will be a real reference guide - a journey that makes you stop and think.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Totaly engrossed


In this book - wow... so happy that I decided to buy myself an early christmas present.

Also I am desperately wanting to update my blog a little - especailly the links section.. so if you are visiting here and you have a blog - LET ME KNOW! You visit me - I wana visit you!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Yip - IT'S ME!
Honestly - pretty gob smaked... had seriously still my mind around not having a chance. There are SO many awesome scrappers on our site. I am so honoured and so excited...

So this is the new Scrapbook Essentials Design Team...

Also in a returning role: Megan Renfree
And the fresh meat: Hannah Blair and Janine Worthington

Make sure you have a clicky tour and check out the girls. In the meantime heres my entry...
The first (a work in progress as I stabbed myself 3 times in the hand while doing it) is a advent calender with a twist.

The second is a layout with multiple photos showcasing a technique (see the detail shot in my last post).
And the third is a layout about a moment or moments hat have defined you (loving me some masking tape right now!).
So that me... and here we go... roll on 2008!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas! Really!


It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas... is getting here WAY too fast!!!
So I am on the look out for inspiration, ideas, brain fert!

Got anywhere you suggest I visit? Let me know...

I made this jazzy canvas for the lounge wall and am frantically pinning buttons to foam...

Oh and in other news...

...I reapplied for the Scrapbook Essentials Design Team... will keep you posted on the out come.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hey hey I wanna be a Rockstar


So I have posted the MOST AWESOMEST SONG for the next challenge over at the Music In Me.. GET INTO IT! I swear this song is rocking my lil world.
I spent the weekend scrapping and starting some decorations for Christmas... it's coming up waaay to fast and we are doing brunch at our place this year! Eek. I have covered the house and myself in glitter!
I also downloaded iTunes and have been surfing around that. Let me know what your loving musically right now cause I am DESPERATE for a new mix for my wag for the summer.
And on a final but important news it is the 18th in Kiwiland and that means that it my besty Jes's birthday! LOVE YOU CHICKA! Have a FABO day - we all know you deserve it ;) MAWH!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lunch Time Quickee

Madly scrapping with my last kit from Scrapbook Essentials :(

Also BIG RED ALERT... there is only a couple of days left on the Thriller Music In Me challenge! As much as I'd extend I am REALLY excited about the next song so I want to get it rocked out ASAP... so head over and get it scrapped!!! I have ZERO entries so far so I NEED SOMEONE to win!!!!

Also the Kiwi Jack Me Up is on... and its a faboo one... Andrea Senn rocks!

Thanks for the good lucks for the Fiskars demo... it went well - the store was a little quiet but that sort of suited me as my time one!

OK back to work I go!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Fiskars Tomorrow


Tomorrow I will be demonstrating for the very first time for Fiskars!

A little scary but still exciting. So if you are in the area PLEASE come and say HI!

And don't be offended if I don't recognise you at first... and heres the hint - I don't look like that photo in the banner... I don actually have 2 eyes! I know!

Anway I will be instore at Warehouse Stationery on Ulster Street, Hamilton from 11am - 2pm. See you there!

Thanks again to all the positive vibes in my last post. It helped to move the cloud away ;)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Today I learnt a couple of things...

I learnt that for 50 cents you can own a part of someones history... I found a pile of old postcards at an antique shop and spent ages going throught them all...

On the DARKER SIDE of scrapbooking...

I also learnt that not everyone who reads my blog is a friend... you are very wrong if you think that my life and my choices are any of your business...

Here's a hot tip - grow up - this isn't primary school - you can't nark on me! I am a simple girl with ony the best intentions. If you have a nasty heart you have no place being on my blog.

MASSIVE LOVE to my true scrappy friends!!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007



the brand spanking new Kiwi Jack Me Up will be up tonight... don't forget!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

High 'n Low

I have been asked to be a demonstrator for Fiskars!

Whoo whoo! I am SUPER excited and feel SO honoured.

You HAVE to come see me when I do my first ever demo at Warehouse Stationery in Hamilton from 11am - 2pm on Saturday November 10th.

Massive thanks to Vicky who suggested me to them in the first place! Big scrappy love to you from me.

The sun is going down on the Scrapbook Essentials Design Team :(

Yip - I know it's crazy but it's been a year already. I have loved being part of something so fun and inspiring. HOWEVER the DT are invited to apply again so you never know ;)


In other news I am busy scrapping tomorrow - trying to catch up on my Em cards and finishing my layout for the Kiwi Jack Me Up that is set to go live next weekend.

That is if I get any sleep today - my neighbours are currently in full party mode and singing loudly along to the Oh Bla Dee Oh Bla Dah song... OMG!

I am also setting the next challenge on The Music In Me on the 30th so you still have a couple of days to post your entry and be in for the Urban Lily pack that Paula has put together for us.

I'll see you there!

Monday, October 22, 2007


Oh yay! I learnt how to make blinkies in Photo Shop! Snaps for hee... again its the small things...

Thursday, October 18, 2007


3 comments what passes as exciting stuff in my working world - its about about the stationery baby!

I got a brand new stapler - FOR FREE! And it has SUPER CLINCH TECHNOLOGY!

Whoop whoop! Hahahahaha! I just love thats its my favourite colour.

Anyway on to more important things... I didn't forget - my Pay it Forward names...

Michelle (Mrs Frizz)

Can you please email me your address to and I can sent you a lil something ;)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Jealous? Don't be - GET IT!

Na na na na na!

Look what I got...

And if you want yours I suggest you get in QUICK SMART!

GO HERE NOW! Hee hee!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hoot hoot...

I am Mr Owlie...

Just here to tell you that Neens layouts are up in the gallery at Scrapbook Essentials...CLICK HERE.

And remember to comment so she knows you were here and she might pick your name out for the Pay it Forward.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

N E E N and P I F

Shell tagged me on the last post so here is my posting based on my name - cheating because Janenne is too long! Hee hee!

N - New stuff... Mike and I did a bit of a shopping spree today. Got a weed wacker and a hedge trimmer... so grown up and man of the house-ish!

E - Evenings... not going too smoothly lately - my mans been a sicky and not sleepin well... translating to me not really sleeping either.

E - Eddie - just being watching some of my favourite Friends episodes... The One Where Eddie Won't Leave... classic... love it.

N - New layouts... I am working on them - for Scrapbook Essentials and Kiwi Jack me Up.

I just posted Paula Clarks layout and a pize on The Music In Me so be sure to head there next.

I am also following on from being 'paid forward' by Rochelle. I have to grab a couple of little things to send out to 3 people so give me a shout out and I'll draw some names.

OKee dokey, back to the floor to finish these layouts! Nighty night!

PS: Here's Eddie... cause you have to share the laughter ;)

Saturday, September 15, 2007



...Watching "Running With Scissors"...

...Cleaning my house... even brought a new shower curtain - it's aqua ;)

...Scrapbooking... got the kit from Scrapbook Essentials this month - I've brought crayons ;)

Hope everyones weekend is a blast.

PS: Have posted the next challenge on The Music In Me... ROCK ON OVER!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Ice Ice Baby!

The first challenge is up! YAY! Like my babys taking its first steps...

The challenge song this time round is Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice!

I KNOW! Ha ha ha ha!

This is my layout for the challenge.

I have the next one all set and it will be a bit... easier, is the word I guess.
Check out the blog and get your scrap on - you have til the 14th of September!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It's out of my mind...

And onto the WWW

I have been secretly working on a little project and I REALLY want you all to come have fun with it.

A lot of you already know that I use a lot of musical inspiration in my scrapping and music is always a force in my life... as I know it is with a lot of you too.

I have been thinking about setting up a challenge blog based around this idea for about 6 months and decided to just rock it out... why not right!


Whoop whoop! Yay!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

So Audrey

Today is payday ad I was naughty and I had a bit of a spurge... you see I love and collect books just as much as scrapbooking stuff.
I love Audrey and had these ordered in for me at work ;)

And for you from Audrey - some truth:
“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”
“Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.”

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The start...

Alot of scrapper will have heard about Emily Falconbridges card challenge. Also known as a Deck of Me, Em posts a prompt on her blog once a week. The parallel of 52 cards in a pack and 52 weeks in a year.
So I have decided to join in, even though she is at week 32.
Warning.. they are not in order... ;) These are the ones I have done so far.
Week 2. What is powerful to you
Week 18. NatureWeek 3. I Am

So, are you following the challenge? Let me know! ost me a blog link so I can see what you are up to!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Yawn... nana time...

OK, it's late and I am a nana and need to go to bed so this will be really quick!

1: I just posted my choice for the Kiwi Jack Me Up this round so go check it out and get your scrap on!

2: Sneaky peeks! From the SE Kit this month... SOOOO rock star!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

So far...

OK as promised here are the lifts that I have done so far... and YES I am still working on the rest ;)
I will have some peeks for this months kit real soon too... yeeha mojo - welcome back!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Scraps Ultimate Champion!


Just wanted to make sure everyone knows about the mack daddy comp at SE right now!
We are looking for Scrapbookings 'Ultimate Champion' There is over $250 in prizes to be won and the title of Scrapbook Essentials 'Ultimate Champion'!!!!
For more details CLICK HERE and to register CLICK HERE.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Gwen - You just rock

I had SUCH a wicked time at the concert on thursday night and if possible I simply love her more than ever!

I also had a little 'make over'. Had my hair, nails and makeup done before the concert so felt all specail. Especailly with my VIP pass...

Then we just spent Friday through Sunday exploring Auckland.

Awesome awesome time and a little sad to be back to reality. Check out the bigger pictures HERE.

Also got a HEAP of little vids from the concert but they are taking AGES to upload so here is the best one I just love.... she jumped into the crowd about 10 seats from me... I was HYSTERICAL!

PS: I have been working on my Mojo challenge... 5 down and 5 to go... so much for 10 in one weekend aye ;)

Thursday, July 19, 2007



...oh where, oh where can you be...
With your ears cut short and your tail cut long...

I have lost my poor little mojo. In fact the only time I scrap lately is for the Kiwi Jack Me Up... but thats only one layout at a time you see.

So THIS is a call to arms... help me!

In the spirit of Jacking, I want you to post a comment with a link to one of your layouts and I will JACK it this weekend... and post the results on here for you to see!

I will JACK 10 layouts this weekend... yip, Neen is laying down the guantlet!
UPDATE: You have to pick the layout for me... Hanah - post one I AM still one short... :(


Sunday, July 15, 2007

DT and JACK time

Yay the second Jack has been posted! We are Jacking a layout by Ruth AKA Roo... so fun... here's my take on it...

And of course it is the 15th again... and here are my creations using the kit from Scrapbook Essentials this month!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wait is over....


Yay the wait is over! We have just drawn (from a hat in the fairest way possible) the winner of the very first Kiwi Jack me Up!

Check out the site... we had SO MANY entrys... yay!

In other news... in case you have been living under a rock and haven't heard me screaming...

I fount out yesterday that I won something awesome...

Three nights in a suite at the Hilton in Auckland, hair makeup and treatments at The Room on Dominion Road and VIP backstage passes to GWEN STEFANI!

I am out of my mind excited!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Winter is good for...

scrappity scrap scrap...

lovin the kit...
...have a bit of a sneaky look at what I've been up to... these will be up on the SE site on the 15th!

In other news you have a couple more days to get your layouts loaded for the Kiwi Jack Me Up site... friday is looming! We've got 12 WICKED layouts entered so far! Can't wait... jacking ROCKS!
Also I have been having a bit of fun with found items and using them on my layouts. If you are lucky enough to get the SE Kit you will get my instructions this month and see that I pulled out the tinfoil! Working in stationery is a bit of fun because I keep finging little things I could use...
So I want to hear from you. What sort of non scrapping stuff do you or have you used on a layout?

Friday, June 22, 2007


I get to get my ELSIE ON!


This months Scrapbook Essentials Kit...

You want...
...go get!

It's only gone on sale today and almost sold out already!

Yip, they are THAT good!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Jack it...

So the first Jack is up!


Check out her layout we've jacked and our takes on it here!

Get your inspo on and get jacking!

Friday, June 15, 2007

And of course...

It is also the 15th.... so that means layouts...

Loving the Scenic Route papers...
Completely crazy and SO easy to use. Also went COMPLETELY OTT with the Diamond Glaze I got at SENZ... you gotta with now toys!

Jack Me Up BABY!




This is our very own kiwi grown answer to the USA's Scrapjacked...

AND lil ol me is a contributor! So ROCK along and bookmark it... our first JACK goes live next week!

Everbody say HOORAY!