Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Today I learnt a couple of things...

I learnt that for 50 cents you can own a part of someones history... I found a pile of old postcards at an antique shop and spent ages going throught them all...

On the DARKER SIDE of scrapbooking...

I also learnt that not everyone who reads my blog is a friend... you are very wrong if you think that my life and my choices are any of your business...

Here's a hot tip - grow up - this isn't primary school - you can't nark on me! I am a simple girl with ony the best intentions. If you have a nasty heart you have no place being on my blog.

MASSIVE LOVE to my true scrappy friends!!!!


Michele said...

Love you to :-)

Anonymous said...

Smooches Neen. BTW, LOVE those postcards. I actually collect postcard . . . I've been thinking lately about how I can incorporate some of them into my scrapbooking. Maybe you can inspire me! :hint hint:

Yvette said...

Cool postcards and what a fun find! SO sorry you got so horrible blog stuff. That is one of my biggest fears with blogging, getting some horrible nasty comments. I deffnately appreciate all your work!!! (HUGS)

Anonymous said...

BIG ((HUGS)) Neen - so sorry that you had a mean & nasty comment from a mean & nasty person :-(


Rochelle said...

Fantastic postcards, have been meaning to scour some antiques shopes for storage ideas. Now Ihave another reason to get on with it! :)

Sorry to hear you have received mean and unhelpful comments. You are truley a fab person in the scrapping world and I'd tell them to bugger off! :) Keep up the great work chick!

KiwiMich said...

Hey Neen!
Well those mean people need to get a life!
I love your scrapping work and your blog - keep up the great work!
Mich :)

Mrs Frizz said...

Had a laugh to myself about old postcards ... I've got a couple of old postcards sitting on my scrap table and I've been wondering what to do with them .. so what would you be doing with yours then ... come on share ...

Mrs Frizz said...

OOPS ... hit the wrong button and it sent, just like that ...

Good luck on Saturday ... a little geographically challenged, so won't be able to be there myself - lol.

Shelley said...

Hoping I might get over to Hamilton to meet you tomorrow Neen :) So sorry to hear you got a nasty comment on your blog... I LOVE reading it and seeing your work!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Neen - just caught up on your actual blog - as opposed to your challenge ones! LOL Can't believe someone even has the time to be nasty - like everyone says, we luv ya! Luv the new "Rockstar" song too :)