Saturday, March 31, 2007

A Movie Geeks Challenge

This is the challenge I just posted for the girls over at Scrapbook Essentials:

So lately I've noticed a lot of place have been issuing challenges using album covers as inspiration for a layout...

Me on the other hand.... well.....
I am a movie geek.

Trust me, I watch waaaay too many dvds, am on first name basis with the reantl store and have eaten way too much movie popcorn.

So here is my little challenge to you all...

Use a
as your inspiration for a layout...

You see I was looking at some posters like these:


And thought, 'Thats a layout waiting to happen'.
Link to your inspirational poster and your layout over on the forum HERE and we'll pick a winner.

Find some inspiration HERE or HERE or HERE.

Deadline is Sunday April 30th!
...'Use the force'
...'Heres looking at you kid'!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Playing is fun

Ah new toys...
Is there anything better...

Firstly I FINALLY an the proud owner of Elsies book. And I can tell you it is five times better than my expectations (which were high anyway).

The other (in case you can't tell) is that I have also learn how to play with Phopshop Elements Well enough to play with some frames... Opal was forced to be my subject today. So fun - love how it makes the photos look.... did heaps on OUR blog too - have a lookie...

I have also just brought my first two set of AL Stamps from SE! Woo hoo! Look out paper here I come!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


OK so last week Paula tagged me - PS: Love being tagged but I have soooo many blogs that I read I think I sometimes miss it :(

So here we go -

5 Quirky Things About Neen (hard to keep it down to 5!)
  • I can't stand plugs with the switch on and nothing plagged in to them. Even in a store I'll sneak over and switch it off.
  • I LOVE pajamas! I have at least 6 sets and its a huge highlight when winter comes to go out and get new jammys!
  • I walk into walls, doorways and trip over things that aren't there. Shame!
  • I love Winter! So much better than summer... Mike thinks I'm crazy.
  • I take photos of my feet. Mainly because Mike says they are weird and that I have "a foot for a big toe". So as a response I have lots of photos of my feet. I different places around the country and around the world.
Who can I tag..... hmmmm...... I will try Vicky (I know you're really busy with baby prep!), TanyaLeigh (I know you trying to keep up with the blogging) and Rochelle (cause she shows me heaps of comment love!).

And just because..... a photo of my feet in my new PJs! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

March Layouts

And the hits just keep on coming
I keep saying that the kits are getting better and better but I swear its so true. I don't get paid to say that either - not at infomerical status just yet ;)

This was fun - was really in a "pop art" sort of place this month!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sneak Peek? for March

March layouts should be going up tomorrow... and yes I know - can I really call it a sneak peek if its only a day before.... hmmm something to ponder.

Anyway here there are for now :)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Finding inspiration

Check out Mika's website.... listened to his album today and am SOOOOO getting my hands on a copy asap...
The cover and the website are fully giving me inpiration for layouts!
Also - in case you hadn't noticed - also lovin Lily Allens album... cover gives me ideas too...
So... where do you get inspired...

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Drum roll please...

And the winner is.... da da da da....

Acceber with her guess of 280 buttons.

And how many where there in the jar you ask?


She'll be getting a little pack of things and because she's from the ol' US of A I'll throw in a kiwi chocolate bar or two...

...and maybe even a couple of buttons!


With that excitement over with (and my buttons now fitting in the jar - thanks to the handful I just threw in the bag for Acceber) I can start work on my layouts for this months kit from SE...

It seems that each month that passes the kits are just getting better and better...

Saturday, March 3, 2007



Bliss... rock into the material shop to find a HUGE bowl with the sign "Fill a bag: $2".

That kept me busy for about half an hour. Fun.

In other news Meg from Scrapbook Essentials called me the other night and asked if I could whip together a layout and instructions to go in this months kit.

It was a late night but the job got done. First ever for me so will be interesting to see how it goes.

EDIT: So I decided it might be fun to run a little competition...
See I tried to fill a jar with my buttons (as you can see there were too many). Seeing as it was a quiet night I ending up counting them all as I filled the jar (I know my life is wild!).

So heres the comp... make a comment on this post guessing the number of buttons I got in total and the nearest guess gets a little prezzy from me! Fun!

Closes on Friday NZ time (thats thursday in the states!).