Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ho ho ho

Hope you all had a faboo Christmas!

Friday, December 7, 2007

New Love

What is this object of my affection you ask... well DIGIRAMA is the kiwi answer to iTunes (which FYI was my new love for ONE WHOLE WEEK until it starting erroring out on me... errrrrr!).

It has given we so much new tune loves for my playlist! AND it brought this to my attention...
Sister Hazel have done a christmas album! Ahhhhh! Crazy stuff... LOVE LOVE me some Sister Hazel...

Monday, December 3, 2007

2 minutes...

Lunchtime post, two minutes only: MAKING IT QUICK!

1. Got the new kit from Scrapbook Essentials... WOWSER!
2. New jack is up at Kiwi Jack Me Up.
3. Tanya the Christchurch consultant for Scrapbook Essentials is running 12 Days Of Christmas on her blog.
4. I have extended the deadline on the Music In Me - Rockstar challenge AND added a prize ;) Go play cause its the last one for the year.

So thats me - back to work then back to the table tonight - thinking MAJOR christmas decor stuffs right now - have beaded and unbeaded and rebeaded!!!! Sigh....

P.S: THE BOOK REVEIW: Ali's book is BEAUTIFUL! It will be a real reference guide - a journey that makes you stop and think.