Saturday, November 29, 2008

Insert sarcastic tone

Hope everyone has an exciting weekend lined up... I asked Mike last night what we'd be up to, his answer "Tidying up the section"... AWESOME (insert sarcastic tone right there). But here it;'s still the weekend right.
Idid however just post a bit of a how to for these on the SBO blog... click here to check it out.

I get to start on my December daily album as of monday... I have got a LOT happening in December and I think it's becuase I made that album and I wanna fill it with something more interesting that "got up, went to work" each day.
Well thats me for now. I will hopefully finish my scrap room this weekend so I can share more of that too.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Who loves shopping?

So now that I've shopped I can share.. there is a MASSIVE sale on at SBO right now... trust me you wanna look.
I had to be really really good because (fingers crossed because the last shipment sold out like straight away) one of these is coming to live at my house really really soon.

Happy dance :)
Still happily scrapping... and lovin this kit still... Have to go... guilty pleasure tv is starting.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Heavy eyelids

After working yesterday.
Body has not recovered...

Right now I am quietly chillin in my scrap room... which is still not ready to be photographed... it's like it's having a bad hairday...

Listening to Amos Lee... new music, for me, love it. So relaxing. I think his album may be in order for summer bbqs. I'll stick a track or too on my blog playlist... thank me later. This CD may have to join it....

Scrapping, still, with the October kit from SBO...

Reading bloglines. I promise I am a good blog reader... there are 305 posts today... excuse the lack of comments... I have things to say and hellos to shout, just not the tread on the fingertips to sacrifice. I still love you, promise.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Remember that trip...

Well I've found the strength to go through more of the photos tonight... the chapter of America I'd somehow missed...


Also I have been busy scrapping... check out my gallery at SBO to have a nosey!

...and I'm onto the 3rd Twilight book ;) Geek! Haha

Friday, November 7, 2008

This week

Has been about:
The first round of the christmas comp at SBO. Lots of girls are joining and that just makes it even cooler. I did a December Daily album ALA Ali Edwards style. Week 2 will be up tomorrow ;)
For the longest time I haven't read a book like these. Put aside the fact that it's about vampires...thats not the draw card... it's the story, the writing... unputdownable.

We went to 2 fireworks displays for guy fawkes... it POURED down at the first saturday and it was raining again on wednesday so we watched both from the safety of the car.

My new scrap room is slowing taking shape... I still have a few baskets of stuff to sort through and find homes for. Tomorrow will be a creative day ;)

It's been a harsh week so am stoked to be in my jeans, drink and cornchips ready to go.
Have an awesome weekend everyone...
Oh and happy voting tomorrow!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The ugly truth

Mike is getting sick of this... and I guess I am too... all that and all this... on the move...
I'll check back once my new space is all sorted... in about a year or so ;)