Monday, August 3, 2009

Looking forward

After working the last too weekends in a row I am really really looking forward to saturday.

Problem is it's only monday...

So to help me through heres some other things I am looking forward to... just in general...

The whole Amplify range turning up at my house after winning it from Sassafras!

500 Days of Summer

Going to Coopers Beach for my first scrap retreat/camp thingee

A possible summer holiday... a real one - like a week off!

and going snorkeling again.
Seeing AC/DC in concert next year

Finishing these kits and getting them loaded before the weekend...
Getting this album imported

A secret event for Mikes birthday ;)
Oh and having a spot of time to actual scrap something... sigh...
Nothing to do but wait...

1 comment:

Hannah said...

It's always nice to have things to "look forward to", especially when it's a Monday!! LOL :-)
Hadn't heard about a scrap camp at Cooper's Beach, who is organising that? Beautiful spot, I'm sure you'll have a fab time!!