Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Impairs Co-Ordination

These are working... and causing sleepiness as promised on the box.
The arm is sore, puffed up (Mike called me popeye) and doesn't really want to move much.
But there is no stopping me getting on that plane... 8 sleeps now.
I can still type and have spent a bit of time sorting out trip stuff and other secret stuff ;) Oh and call the post office who put our mail hold in place a month early (some would agure that I shouldn't have gone in top request the hold so early - but they should know how to read!).
I also managed to work out how to upload my layouts to my new gallery at Scrapbook have the other girls but I'm a little slow... have a nosey HERE.

Off to sort out physio... joy.


Cassandra said...

Yikes Neen! Hope you feel better soon!

Penny said...

Popeye without the spinach eh?

{{{{healing vibes}}}}

Trace said...

I guess on the upside you could knock yourself out for the long plane journey! Just don't drink the coke as well...!If we don't catch up online before you go, safe travels my friend and have the most enormous fun!! And when you drink your ice cold know who to think of ROFL!

Mrs Frizz said...

Ouch ... well that doesn't sound as though is should have been on the 'to do list' before you head away.

You need two good arms to hold the camera my friend ...

Look after yourself and perhaps save some of those meds for the plane journey.

Take care.