Thursday, March 22, 2007


OK so last week Paula tagged me - PS: Love being tagged but I have soooo many blogs that I read I think I sometimes miss it :(

So here we go -

5 Quirky Things About Neen (hard to keep it down to 5!)
  • I can't stand plugs with the switch on and nothing plagged in to them. Even in a store I'll sneak over and switch it off.
  • I LOVE pajamas! I have at least 6 sets and its a huge highlight when winter comes to go out and get new jammys!
  • I walk into walls, doorways and trip over things that aren't there. Shame!
  • I love Winter! So much better than summer... Mike thinks I'm crazy.
  • I take photos of my feet. Mainly because Mike says they are weird and that I have "a foot for a big toe". So as a response I have lots of photos of my feet. I different places around the country and around the world.
Who can I tag..... hmmmm...... I will try Vicky (I know you're really busy with baby prep!), TanyaLeigh (I know you trying to keep up with the blogging) and Rochelle (cause she shows me heaps of comment love!).

And just because..... a photo of my feet in my new PJs! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Vicky said...

LOL, not that busy! I have a thing for feet photos too! I will get on to it later!

Anonymous said...

Hehe, I love PJs too Neen!! I especially love buying new ones :-)

Meg McKenzie said...

Strange little scrapbooker aren't you LOL!!! NO seriously I LOVE my jammies too, the feet not so much!

Anonymous said...

Loving your feet and PJ combo photo ... two loves eh!! (or three ... including the photography itself) :wink:

Julie said...

Love the quirks - esp the feet one - is there a book due out soon on the travels of Neens feet? LOL