Sunday, February 1, 2009


Seriously? Already...

Life is still pretty busy here but at least this week I haven't been sick... the odd headache here and there but generally sweet as.
I've been spending all my free time in the scrap room giving it a MAJOR over haul... it doesn't really look that major but I am getting rid of HEAPS of stuff and really just trying to make a new way of sorting everything.
It's really opening my eyes to how much stuff I forgot I had... really cool stuff too. I'm dying to get it done so I can get stuck in a use it!

So here's my point...
I grabbed a wad of A4 envelopes and I wanna fill them with stuff and send them to YOU! But only if you want it...
So what I need you to do is email me your address to and let me know you fav colour.. to scrap with or in general... and I can fill an envelope with stuff and send it your way :)

Not sure how I will survive well all the new CHA stuff hits the country... haha

Also the EZine just hit the "shelf"... check it out HERE
Happy sunday everyone!

QUICK UPDATE: Seems it's lucky I'm making room!!!!
So excited... check this out..... CLICK


Mrs Frizz said...

Congrats Neen ... awesome ... Prima ... ooh-la-la!!!

Angela said...

Oh, how cool is that, out of all the entries I bet there were...... yayyyy!

Paula... said...

WOOHOO way to go Neen - I've been trying to win stuff on the MM blog and Spellbinders blog etc. etc. but I never win anything :(((

It must feel great to be sorting everything out in your scrap room. I found heaps of stuff I didn't know I had when I did my room too :-P

Breanne Crawford said...

congrats on the win! and just wanna say -- i love your little organization labels!!!

Penny said...

well done Neen!

Trace said...

Awesome news - I wondered if it was you when I saw it on the Prima blog.

Anonymous said...

WTG on your awesome win! You lucky thing you!!!