First up mega thanks for all the love... it rocks, trust me.
In update news:
Had a straight up amazing Auckland Anniversary weekend. Spent Sat at the zoo with my friend Bex and my fav lil man - my Godson Josh is 4, almost 5... current favourite words are butt and poo... fun times.
That night went to premier of "Juno" - HOT TIP: SEE IT! Rawks! Esp as an adoptee kid... made me think stuff.
Sunday my lil bro came round with his lady, and Millenium Edition Monopoly... credit cards instead of cash and I was the skateboard... rad. That night had a Buzz fest with friends... I love it but HATE that last round... always end up loosing! Er!
Monday got a message from someone in my past... a chance to rebuild badly broken bridges... amazing, a shock and such a good thing. Got my hair cut for the first time in AGGGGGGGES! Feels so much lighter... love to Leste, she did the chop it for me while Ang and I watched Newport Bay on ta chicka!
As for the rest of the week... kids are CRAZY! It's Back to School time AKA Neens feet are killing her! Argh!
But that just makes the end of day even sweeter. I am reorganising my scrap studio. I promise to post photos as soon as it's done. And hot tips would be awesome... if you've been scrapping for any lenght of time you know my pain - and I have about 5 years of stash piled up... culling big time. In the mean time - back to the studio ;)