Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Interview

So there is a post dong the round at the moment... an interview me blog posting...

I thought this is fun... and today Rochelle is interviewing me!

So here goes:

1. Why do you scrapbook?: OK I was asked this question on my DT entry... and I think my answer then is still true. Firstly, I was also an artsy kid. From building dollhouses with matchbox furniture to painting and embroidery... you name it chance are at some stage in my life I bet I've done it. So for me Scrapping lets me release my creative urge and have something to remember, something that once I'm gone will still be here... something that will in a way let me live forever.

2. Some people collect things (other than scrapbooking things :p) do you have any collections?: Oh gee.... this might be embarassing. OK, I used to collect My Little Ponys... before that Beanie Bears... and now its just my DVD collection that grows and grows. LOVE movies. First thing whe I win Lotto, getting a MASSIVE plasma.

3. What's your favorite food?: Just one!? No... thats too tough... so I will go with satay chicken (in fact anything with peanuts) and chocolate... only not together, that would be gross!

4. What picture do you have on your PC desktop right now?: Hmm I change it all the time... but its always a photo I took that I am sort of proud of at the time... right now its this one...

5.What do you most like about being in a relationship?: Good question... I would have to say its the companionship... the security.. knowing that I live with my best friend and always having Mike to turn to. For someone to lean on, arms to fall asleep in and an ear to bend after a cruddy day. Knowing he supports me and loves me no matter what life throws at us. I love being with Mike because hes my best friend. And yes I know that sounds corny... but corn is good for you! hee hee...
PS I love this so if you want to, go ahead, ask me anything! Ha ha!


Rochelle said...

Great anwsers! :) Love the pic of the fireworks, they are had to get a good pic of and that one is fab! Movies are great, totally agree there, do you have a favourite or at least a favourite genre. I am a real girl and have to say "Notting hill" and romantic comedies! :p
mmm... so it's a no to Whittakers peanut slab? Thanks for anwsering my questions :)

Neen and Mike said...

Oh no no no chocolate and peanuts.... yummo! Love me a whittakers and a snickers! And genre.... have to be comedy/romantic comedy... yip I'm a girl too!

Anonymous said...

Another movie lover here - especially romantic comedies ... and I'm lucky my man is happy to watch those with me! lol

Great answers, Neen! And I love that fireworks pic :-)

Anonymous said...

I think scrapbooking supplies should be a fair collector's item, they are so lovely to just sit and look at!

Unknown said...

Awww, that's so sweet Neen. Awesome photo! I do the same with my desktop.