Sunday, January 7, 2007

January Kit - Sneaky Peak Time!

OK so I have been scrappin up a storm today and all the work I did tidying my louge was in vain...

You see it hit me that I will be away when our SE DT submissions are due! So here is a little peak at what I've been getting in to...

Meg will post them on the 15th!


Hannah said...

Great sneak peek, Neen! You girls have had a fabulous pack to play with, I can't wait to see what you've done with it all!

PS. Sorry to hear about you losing your job. I only just read about it on the forum, for some reason I missed those previous posts. I'm really sorry this has happened to you but I'm sure the new year will bring lots of new & exciting things for you. ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

lookds good Neen, can't wait to see all of it....

Megan R said...

ooh, that looks cool!! Also love what you have done with your blog. Love the drop downs to the right. How did you do them?

tanyaleigh said...

Neen that looks very interesting. 5 days to

Julie said...

I love the look of those flowers - now I cant wait to see what you have done!

Paula... said...

Oooh looks intriguing LOL - can't wait to see all of it :)