Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Help me pick...

OK So I know a lot f you will have this same issue... being scrapbookers we are more often than not, behind the camera rather than in front of it. So whe Meg asked for a photo the struggle began. I have so little photos of myself and because I don't get home til about 6.30-7pm its not the best light to take some new ones... so these are a few that I found and I figured that you can all help me pick which one to use for the Design Team page on Scrapbook Essentials... I know the choice isn't great.. in fact if someone is really good with Photoshop steal a photo and make me look like Cameron Diaz... thanks!


Anonymous said...

okay I am no help because I like shot two and three. Okay have looked at this and I am going to go with two because of the light coming in and you have a nice smile and it looks natural. Thats my ten cents worth since they removed the five cent pieces...

Anonymous said...

I really like no.2, but I think it needs a tad of fill flash on it? If you want to email it to me I can play a bit with elements with it!! It could just be my laptop screen though. And omg, look at my big head over there on the right!! That looks very cool! but rather a shock to see lol!

tanyaleigh said...

Hi Neen, I really like No 3 photo. Just beautiful. And congratulations on making Scrapbook Essentials DT. Look forward to seeing more of your work.

Meg McKenzie said...

Hmmm, I like all of them!! LOL That sidebar is so clever!

Anonymous said...

They are all lovely, but I think #2 is my favourite. I agree with Megan, it could do with some editing and I'm sure there are tons of talented people who can fiddle around with it - sorry, I'm NOT one of them, ROFL!!

Kate, Dave and the kiddlets said...

I'd go with number 2 neen, it does look really natural!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just wanted to say congrats on your SE succes. I like no 3 and then no 2... hope that helps :)


Lindi said...

I like the 3rd one. Your hair is really cute in that one.

Leslie said...

gorgeous photos Neen! I love the second and third ones; you picked a great shot for the DT photos.

Paula... said...

No. 3 for me :)

Ilka said...

I like no 3 then no 2! Congrats again on making the DT!!!

Michele said...

oh oh oh the last one for sure!
You look so gorgeous there!