Saturday, April 28, 2007

This can only mean one of two things.....

...either World War 3 has struck...

...or the courier man turned up...

Yes, yes I know - its not the textbook way to scrap but this is me, the real scrappy me...
OK just taking a break so back to the floor I go....


Anonymous said...

LOL :-)
I think if I didn't have 2 preschoolers I would probably scrap on the floor like that too! ;-)

Glitter Girl said...

OMG Neen, and my partner tells me i make a mess, my mess is nothing compared to your "creative Spread"
Well done you.


Creative Options said...

If i scrapped on the floor my 2 girls would think it was xmas and would get into

Nice to see Mr Coureier has redeemed himself!

Anonymous said...

Holey moley girl, that is quite a spread. But looks like bliss to me lol

Rochelle said...

I just read over at Meg's blog that you think you're missing the comments, I reguarly read your blog but are not the best at leaving comments. Maybe that can be my challenge! :p Keep up the great blog, it's a pleasure to read.

P.S LOVE the circle of mess ya make when creating, so much more fun that way!

Unknown said...

Looks like a very tidy mess to me! LOL u should see my house lately - and I can't even use the excuse that it's artistic mess!

Oscar T. Grouch said...

looks like my bed when I am scrapping. whatever works babe!