Saturday, August 22, 2009

Blog Fluff

I saw this somewhere and though hey... why not...

8 things I'm looking forward to: OK so really I just did this but hey it might have changed....
Heading to Coopers Beach for a scrap weekend
Mike's birthday
Continuing my trip minialbums - feelin like I'm back on a roll
Going to Aussie for my birthday in February

Seeing AC/DC live in January
<500 Days of Summer
Our summer post Christmas holiday
Finding the perfect place online to buy my Lenka and Kate CDs... sigh

8 things I did yesterday:
Scrapped a layout just for funnzys
Watched my Scrubs DVDs
Had Jesters for lunch
Took photos of the clouds from the car

Brought more Thickers
Brought new shoes and pants for work
Went to the club for dinner
Watched Mike's workmate play the Scarecrow in a small town rendition of the Wizard of Oz

8 things I wish I could do:
Learn how to really really use my camera
Paint what I see in my head instead of it coming out poo
Go shopping in lots rad clothing stores with lots of cha ching
Control my cats
Be better with my hair and makeup stuffs
Hire a housekeeper.... I hate laundry
Get a skip and have a garage sale... we have WAY too much cr*p
Have the courage and funds to be the person I really want to be

8 TV shows I watch:Home and Away
7 Days (it's new and so funny)
The Office
Outrageous Fortune

8 things I collect:
Scrapbook stuff
Frankie Mags
Cloth badges from places I've been
That's about it really.... another than the affor mentioned cr*p that seems to fill all my cupboards

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