Sunday, December 21, 2008

Big day

I am excited for the day.
Big things... well small things really but exciting things.
Santa is shopping today so my lil sis is coming to play with pape and scissors. Although that stocking under the tree is already a different shape that it was on friday... hmm.
Then a bbq in the (fingers crossed) sunshine.
And a very very special delievery... thats the really big thing... exciting - will post with photos later ;) sneaky sneaky hahaha.


Trace said...

Neen, Neen, your soooooo mean! (Said in my bestest five year old whingey voice!) So not fair having to wait...Hope it rains on your bbq now! LOL!

Mrs Frizz said...

I hope you haven't been prodding that stocking Neen ...


Anonymous said...

You had better stay out of that stocking!