Sunday, November 23, 2008

Heavy eyelids

After working yesterday.
Body has not recovered...

Right now I am quietly chillin in my scrap room... which is still not ready to be photographed... it's like it's having a bad hairday...

Listening to Amos Lee... new music, for me, love it. So relaxing. I think his album may be in order for summer bbqs. I'll stick a track or too on my blog playlist... thank me later. This CD may have to join it....

Scrapping, still, with the October kit from SBO...

Reading bloglines. I promise I am a good blog reader... there are 305 posts today... excuse the lack of comments... I have things to say and hellos to shout, just not the tread on the fingertips to sacrifice. I still love you, promise.


Trace said...

Well I hope the body got rested and the eyelids aren't so heavy now, ain't that what the coke is for chickee LOL??!! Poor old scraproom best you get one of those deep conditioning treatments for it!

Paula... said...

305 posts in one day!! Sheesh you must do some serious blog surfing LOL