Saturday, June 7, 2008

Baby it's cold oldside

This is life right now...
And before I say anything else I have to say... HI DONNA! What a spoon - I get really mixed up with names... no idea where Karen came from.

Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and let you know that I have been tutuing with my playlist through out May and now that New Zealand music month is over and out I have thrown the brand spanking new one in here... enjoy... some are still from the old one and some are new... I can't tell you how much Handbags and Gladrag makes we want to cry, smile and create...

Seriously if there is a song that make you feel the same I want to know... I crave music... speaks to me.

Also if you listen to radio or C4 at the moment you might just have heard the Ting Tings... told you they'd be big... ;) I've added their lastest release Not My Name too... dare you not to move!


Anonymous said...

You know what I have no idea who you are talking about but do really like Duffy and Gabrielle whatshername. Might be time to investigate further.

Anonymous said...

well neen you knew who you were meaning and so did

Anonymous said...

and look at that now i havent even got a name!!!

Trace said...

mmmm your cats curled up in the right spot there Neen!

Anonymous said...

way to cold but that pic looks so relaxing - oh to be a cat some days huh?

Anonymous said...

Hee hee dont cats have it cush ours loves to sleep almost on the fire LOL

Ummmmm songs, I love the op shop ONE DAY the words are perfect for how I feel about moo :)

Take care and stay warm cant wait to see you Kellyfyed LOL